Assimilation-Based Learning Of Chaotic Dynamical Systems From Noisy And Partial Data
Duong Nguyen, Said Ouala, Lucas Drumetz, Ronan Fablet
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Length: 14:04
Despite some promising results under ideal conditions (i.e. noise-free and complete observation), learning chaotic dynamical systems from real life data is still a very challenging task. We propose a novel framework, which combines data assimilation schemes and neural network representation, namely Auto-Encoders and Ensemble Kalman Smoother, to learn the governing equations of dynamical systems. By treating the learning as a Bayesian estimation problem, our framework can deal with noisy and partial observations. Experiments on the chaotic Lorenz--63 dynamics with different noise settings demonstrate the advantages of our method over the state-of-the-art.