Meta Metric Learning For Highly Imbalanced Aerial Scene Classification
Jian Guan, Jiabei Liu, Jianguo Sun, Pengming Feng, Tong Shuai, Wenwu Wang
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Non-members: $15.00Length: 14:34
Class imbalance is an important factor that affects the performance of deep learning models used for remote sensing scene classification. In this paper, we propose a random fine-tuning meta metric learning model (RF-MML) to address this problem. Derived from episodic training in meta metric learning, a novel strategy is proposed to train the model, which consists of two phases, i.e., random episodic training and all classes fine-tuning. By introducing randomness into the episodic training and integrating it with fine-tuning for all classes, the few-shot meta-learning paradigm can be successfully applied to class imbalanced data to improve the classification performance. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model on class imbalanced datasets, and the results show the superiority of our model, as compared with other state-of-the-art methods.