Cra: A Generic Compression Ratio Adapter For End-To-End Data-Driven Image Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Frameworks
Zhikang Zhang, Kai Xu, Fengbo Ren
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Non-members: $15.00Length: 13:17
End-to-end data-driven image compressive sensing reconstruction (EDCSR) frameworks achieve state-of-the-art reconstruction performance in terms of reconstruction speed and accuracy. However, due to their end-to-end nature, existing EDCSR frameworks can not adapt to a variable compression ratio (CR). For applications that desire a variable CR, existing EDCSR frameworks must be trained from scratch at each CR, which is computationally costly and time-consuming. This paper presents a generic compression ratio adapter (CRA) framework that addresses the variable compression ratio (CR) problem for existing EDCSR frameworks with no modification to given reconstruction models nor enormous rounds of training needed. CRA exploits an initial reconstruction network to generate an initial estimate of reconstruction results based on a small portion of the acquired measurements. Subsequently, CRA approximates full measurements for the main reconstruction network by complementing the sensed measurements with resensed initial estimate. Our experiments based on two public image datasets (CIFAR10 and Set5) show that CRA provides an average of 13.02 dB and 5.38 dB PSNR improvement across the CRs from 5 to 30 over a naive zero-padding approach and the AdaptiveNN approach(a prior work), respectively. CRA addresses the fixed-CR limitation of existing EDCSR frameworks and makes them suitable for resource-constrained compressive sensing applications.