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Transforming Seismocardiograms Into Electrocardiograms By Applying Convolutional Autoencoders

Marian Haescher, Florian Höpfner, Wencke Chodan, Dimitri Kraft, Mario Aehnelt, Bodo Urban

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    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 15:17
04 May 2020

Electrocardiograms constitute the key diagnostic tool for cardiologists. While their diagnostic value is yet unparalleled, electrode placement is prone to errors, and sticky electrodes pose a risk for skin irritations and may detach in long-term measurements. Heart.AI presents a fundamentally new approach, transforming motion-based seismocardiograms into electrocardiograms interpretable by cardiologists. Measurements are conducted simply by placing a sensor on the user’s chest. To generate the transformation model, we trained a convolutional autoencoder with the publicly available CEBS dataset. The transformed ECG strongly correlates with the ground truth (r=.94, p<.01), and important features (number of R-peaks, QRS-complex durations) are modeled realistically (Bland-Altman analyses, p>0.12). On a 5-point Likert scale, 15 cardiologists rated the morphological and rhythmological validity as high (4.63/5 and 4.8/5, respectively). Our electrodeless approach solves crucial problems of ECG measurements while being scalable, accessible and inexpensive. It contributes to telemedicine, especially in low-income and rural regions worldwide.

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