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Independent-Variation Matrix Factorization With Application To Energy Disaggregation

Simon Henriet, Umut Simsekli, Gaël Richard, Sergio Dos Santos, Benoit Fuentes

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    Length: 09:39
04 May 2020

Matrix factorization techniques have been recently applied to Non Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM), the process of breaking down the total electric consumption of a building into consumptions of individual appliances. While several studies addressed the NILM problem for small-scale buildings, only few studies considered the problem for large buildings To overcome the unaddressed difficulties of processing high frequency current signals, we propose a novel technique called Independent-Variation Matrix Factorization (IVMF), which expresses an observation matrix as the product of two matrices: the signature and the activation . Motivated by the nature of the current signals, it uses a regularization term on the temporal variations of the activation matrix and a positivity constraint, and the columns of the signature matrix are constrained to lie in a specific set. To solve the resulting optimization problem, we rely on an alternating minimization strategy involving dual optimization and quasi-Newton algorithms. The algorithm is tested against Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Semi Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (SNMF) on a realistic NILM application for large commercial buildings. We show that IVMF outperforms competing methods and is particularly appropriate to recover positive sources that have a strong temporal dependency and sources whose variations are independent from each other.

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