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Optimal Toa Localization For Moving Sensor In Asymmetric Network

Sihao Zhao, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Xiaowei Cui, Mingquan Lu

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    Length: 00:13:23
10 Jun 2021

In a localization system based-on asymmetric network, only one of the anchor nodes (ANs) transmits signal. A sensor node (SN) receives it and then transmits signal that is received by all ANs to form time-of-arrival (TOA) measurements. SN localization is achieved based-on these TOA measurements along with the known AN positions. Existing work all assumes the SN is stationary. This will cause extra localization error for a moving SN. We develop an optimal localization method based-on maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, namely ML-LOC, utilizing information on the SN velocity and clock drift, to determine the position of a moving SN. We analyze its localization error and derive the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB). Results from numerical simulations verify its optimal performance. We implement a prototype hardware localization system based-on consumer level ultra-wide band (UWB) chips. Experiments using the real system are carried out. Results validate the performance of the proposed method and show its feasibility in real-world applications.

Woon-Seng Gan