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Context-Adaptive Document-Level Neural Machine Translation

Linlin Zhang, Zhirui Zhang, Boxing Chen, Weihua Luo, Luo Si

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    Length: 00:11:39
08 May 2022

Most existing document-level neural machine translation (NMT) models leverage a fixed number of the previous or all global source sentences to handle the context-independent problem in standard NMT. However, the translating of each source sentence benefits from various sizes of context, and inappropriate context may harm the translation performance. This work introduces a data-adaptive method that enables the model to adopt the necessary and helpful context. Specifically, we introduce a light predictor into two document-level translation models to select the explicit context. Experiments demonstrate the proposed approach can significantly improve the performance over the previous methods with a gain up to 1.99 BLEU points.

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  • SPS
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