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  • SPS
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    Length: 00:12:14
08 May 2022

The automatic discovery of acoustic sub-word units from raw speech, without any text or labels, is a growing field of research. The key challenge is to derive representations of speech that can be categorized into a small number of phoneme-like units which are speaker invariant and can broadly capture the content variability of speech. In this work, we propose a novel neural network paradigm that uses the deep clustering loss along with the autoregressive contrastive predictive coding (CPC) loss. Both the loss functions, the CPC and the clustering loss, are self-supervised. The clustering cost involves the loss function using the phoneme-like labels generated with an iterative k-means algorithm. The inclusion of this loss ensures that the model representations can be categorized into a small number of automatic speech units. We experiment with several sub-tasks described as part of the Zerospeech 2021 challenge to illustrate the effectiveness of the framework. In these experiments, we show that proposed representation learning approach improves significantly over the previous self-supervision based models as well as the wav2vec family of models on a range of word-level similarity tasks and language modeling tasks.

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