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Bowen Li, Chao Li, Youneng Bao, Yongsheng Liang, Yao Xin, Fanyang Meng

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    Length: 00:06:57
09 May 2022

Recently, learned image compression methods have shown their outstanding rate-distortion performance when compared to traditional frameworks. Although numerous progress has been made in learned image compression, the computation cost is still at a high level. To address this problem, we propose AdderIC, which utilizes adder neural networks (AdderNet) to construct an image compression framework. According to the characteristics of image compression, we introduce several strategies to improve the performance of AdderNet in this field. Specifically, Haar Wavelet Transform is adopted to make AdderIC learn high-frequency information efficiently. In addition, implicit deconvolution with the kernel size of 1 is applied after each adder layer to reduce spatial redundancies. Moreover, we develop a novel Adder-ID-PixelShuffle cascade upsampling structure to remove checkerboard artifacts. Experiments demonstrate that our AdderIC model can largely outperform conventional AdderNet when applied in image compression and achieve comparable rate-distortion performance to that of its CNN baseline with about 80% multiplication FLOPs and 30% energy consumption reduction.

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