Measuring the Transferability of L-infty Attacks by the L-2 Norm
Sizhe Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Qinghua Tao (KU Leuven); Zhixing Ye (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Xiaolin Huang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
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Deep neural networks could be fooled by adversarial examples with trivial differences to original samples. To keep the difference imperceptible in human eyes, researchers bound the adversarial perturbations by the L-infty norm, which is now commonly served as the standard to align the strength of different attacks for a fair comparison. However, we propose that using the L-infty norm alone is not sufficient in measuring the attack strength, because even with a fixed L-infty distance, the L-2 distance also greatly affects the attack transferability between models. Through the discovery, we reach more in-depth understandings towards the attack mechanism. Since larger perturbations naturally lead to better transferability, we thereby advocate that the strength of attacks should be simultaneously measured by both the L-infty and L-2 norm. Our proposal is firmly supported by extensive experiments on ImageNet dataset from 7 attacks, 4 white-box models, and 9 black-box models.