Kernel estimation and deconvolution for blind image super-resolution
Jiali Gong (East China Normal University); Hongfan Gao (East China Normal University); Jiahao Chao (East China Normal University); Zhou Zhou (East China Normal University); Zhengfeng Yang (East China Normal University); Zhenbing Zeng (Shanghai University)
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Blind super-resolution, different from conventional non-blind super-resolution based on the assumption of fixed degradation, handles various unknown Gaussian blur kernels, and thus is closer to real-world application. The accuracy of kernel estimation and deconvolution directly influences the performance of overall super-resolution results, but recent works usually introduce artifacts during the process. In this paper, we propose our methods of a more accurate kernel estimation module (KEM) and deconvolution module (DM). Additionally, KEM and DM are embedded in kernel estimation and deconvolution structure (KEDS), which improves the results to a large extent once combined with non-blind networks.