Adaptive Large Margin Fine-tuning for Robust Speaker Verification
Leying Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Zhengyang Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University); Yanmin Qian (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
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Large margin fine-tuning (LMFT) is an effective strategy to improve the speaker verification system's performance and is widely used in speaker verification challenge systems. Because the large margin in the loss function could make the training task too difficult, people usually use longer training segments to alleviate this problem in LMFT. However, the LMFT model could have a duration mismatch with the real scenario verification, where the verification speech may be very short. In our experiments, we also find that LMFT fails in short duration and other verification scenarios. To solve this problem, we propose the duration-based and similarity-based adaptive large margin fine-tuning (ALMFT) strategy. To verify its effectiveness, we constructed fixed, variable length, and asymmetric verification trials based on VoxCeleb1. Experimental results demonstrate that ALMFT algorithms are very effective and robust, which not only achieve comparable improvement with LMFT in official VoxCeleb evaluation trials but also overcome performance degradation problems in short-duration and asymmetric scenarios respectively.