Learned Kalman Filtering in Latent Space with High-Dimensional Data
Itay Buchnik (Ben Gurion University); Damiano Steger (ETH Zurich); Guy Revach (ETH Zürich); Ruud J. G. van Sloun (Technical university of Eindhoven); Tirza S Routtenberg (Ben Gurion University of the Negev); Nir Shlezinger (Ben-Gurion University)
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00
The Kalman filter (KF) is a widely-used algorithm for tracking dynamical systems that can be faithfully captured by state space (SS) models. The need to fully describe an SS model limits its applicability under complex settings, e.g., when
tracking based on visual or graphical data. This challenge can be treated by mapping the measurements into latent features obeying some postulated closed-form SS model, and applying the KF in the latent space. However, the validity of
this approximated SS model may constitute a limiting factor. In this work we tackle the challenges associated with tracking from high-dimensional measurements by jointly learning the KF along with the latent space mapping. Our proposed
approach combines a learned encoder while tracking in the latent space using the recently proposed data-driven KalmanNet, and having both modules jointly tuned from data. Our empirical results demonstrate that the proposed approach
achieves improved performance over both model-based and data-driven techniques, by learning a surrogate latent representation that most facilitates tracking.