Zecheng Wang (New York University Shanghai); Yik-Cheung Tam (NYU Shanghai)
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Non-members: $15.00
Causal language modeling (LM) uses word history to predict the
next word. BERT, on the other hand, makes use of bi-directional
word information in a sentence to predict words at masked positions.
While BERT is effective in sequence encoding, it is non-causal by
nature and is not designed for sequence generation. In this paper, we
propose a novel language model, SUffix REtrieval-Augmented LM
(SUREALM), that simulates a bi-directional contextual effect in an
autoregressive manner. SUREALM employs an embedding retriever
to search for training sentences in a data store that share similar word
history during sequence generation. In particular, the suffix portions
of the retrieved sentences mimick the “future” context. We evaluated
our proposed model on the DSTC9 spoken dialogue corpus and
showed promising word perplexity reduction on the validation and
test set compared to competitive baselines.