Estimating and Analyzing Neural Information Flow Using Signal Processing on Graphs
Felix Schwock (University of Washington); Julien Bloch (University of Washington); Les Atlas (University of Washington); Shima Abadi (University of Washington ); Azadeh Yazdan-Shahmorad (University of Washington)
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Correlating neural communication in brain networks with behavior and cognition can provide fundamental insights into the functionality of both healthy and diseased brains. We demonstrate how communication in the brain can be estimated from recorded neural activity using concepts from graph signal processing. The communication is modeled as a flow signals on the edges of a graph and naturally arises from a graph diffusion process. We apply the diffusion model to micro-electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings from sensorimotor cortex of two non-human primates to estimate the neural communication flow during excitatory optogenetics. Comparisons with a baseline model demonstrate that adding the neural flow can improve ECoG predictions. Finally, we demonstrate how the neural flow can be decomposed into a gradient and rotational component and show that the gradient component depends on the location of stimulation. This technique, for the first time, offers the opportunity to study neural communication on an unprecedented spatiotemporal scale.