Evan Bell (Michigan State University); Shijun Liang (michigan state university); Qing Qu (University of Michigan); Saiprasad Ravishankar (Michigan State University)
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00
In this work, we study the deep image prior (DIP) for reconstruc-
tion problems in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). DIP has be-
come a popular approach for image reconstruction, where it recovers
the clear image by fitting an overparameterized convolutional neu-
ral network (CNN) to the corrupted/undersampled measurements.
To improve the performance of DIP, recent work shows that using
a reference image as an input often leads to improved reconstruc-
tion results compared to vanilla DIP with random input. However,
obtaining the reference input image often requires supervision and
hence is difficult in practice. In this work, we propose a self-guided
reconstruction scheme that uses no training data other than the set of
undersampled measurements to simultaneously estimate the network
weights and input (reference). We introduce a new regularization
that aids the joint estimation by requiring the CNN to act as a pow-
erful denoiser. The proposed self-guided method gives significantly
improved image reconstructions for MRI with limited measurements
compared to the conventional DIP and the reference-guided method
while eliminating the need for any additional data.