Parallel Sentence-Level Explanation Generation for Real-World Low-Resource Scenarios
Yan Liu (Microsoft Research); Xiaokang Chen (Peking University); Qi Dai (Microsoft Research)
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In order to reveal the rationale behind model predictions, many works have exploited providing explanations in various forms. Recently, to further guarantee readability, more and more works turn to generate sentence-level human language explanations. However, current works pursuing sentence-level explanations rely heavily on annotated training data, which limits the development of interpretability to only a few tasks. As far as we know, this paper is the first to explore this problem smoothly from weak-supervised learning to unsupervised learning.
Besides, we also notice the high latency of autoregressive sentence-level explanation generation, which leads to asynchronous interpretability after prediction. Therefore, we propose a non-autoregressive interpretable model to facilitate parallel explanation generation and simultaneous prediction.
Through extensive experiments on two tasks, we find that users are able to train classifiers with comparable performance $10-15\times$ faster with parallel explanation generation using only a few or no annotated training data.