Clément Cosserat (CVN); Ben Gabrielson (University of Maryland, Baltimore County); Emilie Chouzenoux (Inria Saclay); Jean-Christophe Pesquet (CentraleSupelec); Tulay Adali (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00
Independent vector analysis (IVA) generalizes independent compo-
nent analysis (ICA) to multiple datasets, and when used with a mul-
tivariate Gaussian model (IVA-G), provides a powerful tool for joint
analysis of multiple datasets in an array of applications. While IVA-
G enjoys uniqueness guarantees, the current solution to the problem
exhibits significant variability across runs necessitating the use of a
scheme for selecting the most consistent one, which is costly. In
this paper, we present a penalized maximum-likelihood framework
for the problem, which enables us to derive a non-convex cost func-
tion that depends on the precision matrices of the source component
vectors, the main mechanism by which IVA-G leverages correlation
across the datasets. By adding a quadratic regularization, a block-
coordinate proximal algorithm is shown to offer a suitable solution
to this minimization problem. The proposed method also provides
convergence guarantees that are lacking in other state-of-the-art ap-
proaches to the problem. This allows us to obtain overall better per-
formance, and in particular, we show that our method yields better
estimation than the current IVA-G algorithm for various source num-
bers, datasets, and degrees of correlation across the data.