IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00
Graph wavelet filters can be used to construct dictionaries
of atoms, and signals defined over graphs can be represented
as linear combinations of these atoms. These representations can
facilitate the development of various signal processing tasks, e.g. denoising
or feature extraction.We present here amethod to construct
these filters, using mappings on simple prototype filters, that readily
allows for spectral domain shaping. Two types of spectralmaps will
be developed in thiswork. The first type ofmaps sharpens (increase
the frequency selectivity) of the prototype filter. The second type
of maps is equivalent to upsampling in the spectral domain, and
can be used to construct a’trous like transforms. The a’trous
like transform allows for a tree-structured implementation, and is
reminiscent of the classical a’trous (with-holes) wavelet transform.
The resulting filters, constructed using these maps, are polynomial
functions, and can therefore be implemented without the need for
any approximation or eigendecomposition. Both non-redundant
and redundant frames can be constructed with these filters. A
variety of design examples will be presented to demonstrate the
versatility of the proposed method. Applications of the filters to
non-linear approximation and denoising will also be considered.