Micro Mentoring Experience Program (MiME)
Roxana Saint-Nom, Lucas Thomaz, Tirza Routtenberg
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Length: 0:08:37
The micro mentoring experience (MiME) program is a new program sponsored by SPS, and aims to enhance the conference experience for first-time conference attendees and other society members that believe they can benefit from a short-time mentoring experience during ICASSP. MiME aims to help first-time conference attendees navigate and find the events and technical sessions that could greatly benefit their conference experience. The program will also provide an opportunity for mid-career researchers to connect with more experienced ones and gain helpful insights about career development and assist with their research topics. For experienced researchers, this could be an interesting venue to find prospective students and new candidates for open positions.