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Using The Overlapping Score To Improve Corruption Benchmarks

Alfred Laugros, Alice Caplier, Matthieu Ospici

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    Length: 00:14:32
22 Sep 2021

Neural Networks are sensitive to various corruptions that usually occur in real-world applications such as blurs, noises, low-lighting conditions, etc. To estimate the robustness of neural networks to these common corruptions, we generally use a group of modeled corruptions gathered into a benchmark. Unfortunately, no objective criterion exists to determine whether a benchmark is representative of a large diversity of independent corruptions. In this paper, we propose a metric called corruption overlapping score, which can be used to reveal flaws in corruption benchmarks. Two corruptions overlap when the robustnesses of neural networks to these corruptions are correlated. We argue that taking into account overlappings between corruptions can help to improve existing benchmarks or build better ones.

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