A Cervix Detection Driven Deep Learning Approach For Cow Heat Analysis From Endoscopic Images
Ruiwen He, Halim Benhabiles, Feryal Windal, Gaël Even, Christophe Audebert, Dominique Collard, Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Length: 00:14:48
Noise robustness is crucial when approaching a moving detection problem since image noise is easily mistaken for movement. in order to deal with the noise, deep denoising autoencoders are commonly proposed to be applied on image patches with an inherent disadvantage with respect to the segmentation resolution. in this work, a fully convolutional autoencoder-based moving detection model is proposed in order to deal with noise with no patch extraction required. Different autoencoder structures and training strategies are also tested to get insights into the best network design approach.