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Utility and Feasibility of A Center Surround Event Camera

Tobi Delbruck, Chenghan Li, Rui Graca, Brian McReynolds

  • SPS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 00:12:22
18 Oct 2022

Component trees are powerful image processing tools to analyze the connected components of an image. One attractive strategy consists in building the nested relations at first and then deriving the components' attributes afterward, such that the user can switch between different attribute functions without having to re-compute the entire tree. Only sequential algorithms allow such an approach, while no parallel algorithm is available. in this paper, we extend a recent method using distributed memory techniques to enable posterior attribute computation in a parallel or distributed manner. This novel approach significantly reduces the computational time needed for combining several attribute functions interactively in Giga and Tera-Scale data sets.