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Automated Dcis Identification From Multiplex Immunohistochemistry Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Faranak Sobhani, Azam Hamidinekoo, Allison Hall, lorraine King, Jeffrey Marks, Carlo Maley, Hugo Horlings, shelley hwang, Yinyin Yuan

  • SPS
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    Length: 00:05:01
28 Mar 2022

Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a non-obligatory precursor of Invasive Breast Cancer. It is the most common mammographically detected breast cancer. Predicting DCIS progression to invasive ductal carcinoma is a major clinical challenge due to the lack of a uniform classification system in the diagnosis and prognostication of this disease. To characterise the tissue microecology of DCIS, we proposed and tested the model "DCIS-Identification model" based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) for detection and segmentation of DCIS ducts from multiplex immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining samples. We also trained a Spatially Constrained Convolutional Neural Network (SC-CNN) to detect and classify single cells based on their CA9 and FOXP3 expression. The DCIS-Identification model was evaluated on 8 whole slide images, resulting in an average Dice score of 0.95 for the segmentation performance. The single-cell identification framework was tested on 10 randomly selected whole slide sections, achieving the average accuracy of 88.6% in a 5 fold cross-validation scheme. With the proposed pipeline, we efficiently integrated deep learning, computational pathology and spatial statistics to report distinct differences in the microenvironments of DCIS and IDC/DCIS samples. The proposed pipeline provides a tool for a better understanding of the mechanism of tumours in DCIS and IDC/DCIS cases.