Slides for: Optimal Waveform Design for Dual-functional Radar-Communications: From Theory to Experiments
Dr. Athina Petropulu, Dr. Christos Masouros, Dr. Fan Liu
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Pages/Slides: 31
In this webinar, we will introduce our recent results on optimal dual-functional radar-communications (DFRC) waveform design, which is regarded as a key enabler for the practical implementation of ISAC. DFRC waveforms are specifically tailored signals that are able to accomplish sensing and communication signaling tasks simultaneously. We will commence by introducing the background and applications of ISAC. Then we focus on a general DFRC transmission scenario, where a single MIMO base station (BS) communicates with downlink cellular users and detects radar targets simultaneously. Several design criteria will be discussed for minimizing the downlink multi-user interference (MUI) under radar-specific constraints, namely, omni- and directional beampattern constraints, similarity constraint, and constant-modulus constraint. Finally, we will verify the proposed waveform design approaches through both simulation and experimental results based on the software-defined radio (SDR) platform.