Slides for: Recent Advances in Integrated Sensing and Communications: Fundamental Limits, Signal Processing, and Prototyping
Fan Liu, Ya-Feng Liu, Christos Masouros
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Pages/Slides: 55
In this talk, we shall present our recent research progress in the area of integrated sensing and communications, ISAC, which is envisioned as a key enabling technology towards next-generation wireless networks. Throughout this talk, the Cramer-Rao bound, CRB, is employed as a performance metric for sensing. We commence by characterizing the fundamental tradeoff between CRB and communication rate for generic ISAC systems that rely on unified waveforms. We then propose multi-input multi-output, MIMO, beamforming designs towards joint radar sensing and multi-user communications based on CRB minimization and provide numerical results to verify the effectiveness of the proposed design methodologies. Finally, we shall end this webinar by briefly introducing our recent efforts in developing proof-of-concept prototypes for ISAC systems.