Robust Adaptive Monopulse Processing for Multiple Observations with Applications to TS-MIMO Radar
Kai-Bor Yu, Manuel Fernández
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In a recent paper, we have shown advancement of adaptive monopulse processing techniques by adding some robust features such as low-sidelobes, addressing the signal cancellation issues and relaxing the linear assumption of the monopulse ratio curve (MRC) in addition to cancelling jamming and maintaining the monopulse beam patterns for target angle estimation. This technique is extended in this paper for the case of multiple observations as it arises in multi-pulse radar operation and transmit sub-aperture (TS) MIMO radar. We show that the optimal solution is the weighted average of the monopulse ratio measurements followed by monopulse angle estimation. This can be interpreted as processing fusion which is averaging the monopulse ratios followed by monopulse angle estimation and as an alternative in reversing the order, we can perform monopulse angle estimation for each observation followed by averaging.