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Can We Trust Deep Speech Prior?

Ying Shi, Haolin Chen, Zhiyuan Tang, Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Jiqing Han

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    Length: 0:12:54
19 Jan 2021

Recently, speech enhancement (SE) based on deep speech prior has attracted much attention, as exampled by the VAE-NMF architecture. Compared to conventional approaches that represent clean speech by shallow models such as Gaussians with a low-rank covariance, the new approach employs deep generative models to represent the clean speech, which often provides a better prior. Despite the clear advantage in theory, we argue that deep priors must be used with much caution, as the likelihood produced by a deep generative does not always coincide with the speech quality. We designed a comprehensive study on this issue and demonstrated that based on deep speech priors, a reasonable SE performance can be achieved, but the results might be suboptimal. A careful analysis showed that this problem is deeply rooted in the disharmony between the flexibility of deep generative models and the nature of the maximum-likelihood (ML) training.

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