Women in Tech
Vanessa Testoni
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Length: 00:11:21
Following the tradition of sponsoring a Women in Tech event at IEEE conferences, we will hold a virtual one at ICME 2020. This year?s exciting event is intended to be a communication and networking platform of the women in the community. The event is aimed at increasing and promoting visibility and recognition of women in ICME fields, promoting networking and mentoring between junior and senior researchers, and building a networking women community as legacy for future events. The event is tailored towards Ph.D. students, assistant professors, and starting researchers in various research organizations. Four outstanding speakers will be talking about their personal experience and career paths. After the talks, you will have time for virtual networking with a cross section of women in the field. Everybody is welcome, new-comers, young professionals, career-switchers/explorers, or senior folks, people who care about diversity and women in tech and those interested in learning more, or just supporting the community.